Stage 3: Effects Plugins and Mixing

In the previous stage, I've established the sounds that would eventually become the melody. Yet it was unfinished as it sounds rather empty. Given this circumstance, I've added some elements/effects that would help solve this problem. However, before I did that, I had to assign each sound onto separate inserts in the mixer. This is so that I could apply plugins that would affect each sound individually. From there, an equalizer is first applied to each of the sounds I made through an equalizer plugin. Equalizing (EQ) is a technique where you boost and/or cut certain frequencies of sounds so that they do not interfere with one another. Without any EQing, any minute and unwanted frequencies of one sound may conflict with another that depends on those frequencies. This obstruction leads to your composition sounding “muddy”, a term that describes something that's not articulate or clear when heard. Using the square lead as an example, I will show how the EQ plugin looks lik...