
Pivoting from my original idea on 3D modelling, I will be recording my learning experience with music making electronically instead. Similarly to 3D modelling, producing music is a form of creation I have never done before. I think it is interesting in challenging my self to create media that involves a different sensory input than what I am normally used to (visual). Recently I've wondered how this form of music is made and the working processes behind them. Like I said in the previous post before, I am someone who is curious about new techniques and mediums for creation and want to have some knowledge and experience behind every practice.

My basic plan for this learning project is to document the techniques and working processes I will need to develop and also the sounds I will make. I don't want to make this experience too complicated for myself, so I've decided to keep my scope small and look to make only a melodic tune.

I am looking to create one tune, but show my progression through the three blog posts. Creating three original melodies in a span of 2 weeks is way too complicated and creatively intensive. I also have little to no knowledge of music theory, I will also have to put a lot of time into researching and learning. The iterations would look something similar to this:

1. Transferring the notes of the melody that I come up with onto the music program, as well as the chords.

2. Creating the specific sounds I need to apply them onto my melody.

3. Performing the finishing touches and the mix-down to the melody.
